La Chatte Gitane (or The Gypsy Cat) was the name we chose for our cottage in France at the time. We chose it while on the road, moving house the first time round, from Ireland to France with 2 dogs and 7 cats in the car.
This blog began its insignificant life as a recipe book for friends and family who would ask me repeatedly for a recipe of this, that and the other.
Since then it has taken many different directions, like we did and like gypsies tend to do. Sometimes making a U-turn and revisiting familiar roads and taking a break when necessary.
You'll find recipes here, but also musings about the places we've called home, the gardens that we've established, not always successfully, the homes we've improved and the environments we've lived in. Currently, after yet another stint in Ireland, we're back in France @ Le Mas d'Ayen

Friday, October 21, 2016

Beautiful Irish Skies

I love a blue sky as much as the next person, but there is something to be said for the beautiful Irish skies.

I find the sky absolutely fascinating and when I sit in the kitchen (most of my time) I regularly look up. There are a whole lot of cracking cloud formations to be spotted and my camera always at hand.
All these photos were taken from just outside the house. 

Who needs forever blue skies ?
Not me.
Patricia xxx...x


  1. Incredible and very beautiful photos you've captured Patricia! It must be very enjoyable to just sit in your kitchen and have the privilege of watching these ever changing views each day:) Keep on enjoying your blessings!

    1. Thank you, Annie. Yes, I love spending time in the kitchen, looking up regularly at this stunning view. x

  2. They are beautiful photographs Patricia. You can see for miles! X

    1. Thanks, Jules. If those damn' mountains weren't in the way, we'd be able to see much further ! :p x

  3. I always say people spend too much time looking down. at phones, what ever...

    When in the towns I always spend ages looking up at the buildings. You miss not only the sky, but also the fabulous architecture of days gone by.

    What lovely pictures

    1. Thank goodness I only use my phone for phoning (sporadically).
      Generally, people look but are not seeing the beauty that's around them. x

  4. Terrific photos. Thanks for your view

    1. It would be selfish of me not to share. ;) x


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