
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

In with a New Post....

....before the next lot arrives.

That will be Bert's older brother and his wife and they are expected in an hour or so.
Salad made, chicken in the oven and potatoes ready to roast.

But first a few photos of the last lot.
 A novel way to wash the hands.

 Washing up chores, since the dishwasher packed it in (on my birthday !)

And a little outing in the dinghy.

 There was no one as happy as Roisin on Monday, when she had the house free of rowdy kids and adults alike.

We've had a fun few weeks but everything has gone reasonably quiet here now.

The veggie garden hasn't been the success I had hoped for. Lack of sunshine, too much rain and not enough time spent tending to it are all causes of a less than favorable harvest thus far.
A few pumpkins and the odd squash. The tomatoes are a bit meh.....

The few zinnias that haven't been eaten by slugs and whatnots are a joy to see in the herb bed.

Next year better on veggie front !

I hope everyone is having a relaxing and sunny summer with better results in the veggie plot.

Patricia xxx....x


  1. Mijn zoon zijn moestuin is ook geen succes. Courgetten en pompoenen à volonté, spruiten en savooi ook nog wel te doen. Aardappelen zijn klein en zitten vol wormen, erwten en bonen opgevreten door de slakken. Enfin, ze zullen ne keer meer naar de winkel moeten!

  2. If I had that view I would lay on the counter top also and just stare out the window. I love my dishwasher, every time it has a wobble I hold my breath whilst it is take apart and fixed yet again

  3. Everyone knows that next year is always better! My dishwasher packed up a few months ago too, still haven't got round to replacing as enjoying the view from the kitchen window. Winter soon though. It will be in place buy then. x
