
Monday, August 22, 2016

Catching Up

There is a lot of that at the moment. We've been catching up with some sleep and just rest in general - only for a few days , mind.
Catching up with laundry. Oh dear.
A few odd jobs.
 Like hanging up wall cabinets in the pantry.
We've only had them since April.

I was going to start organising the whole house, beginning with the bedroom - clothing, bed linen, towels, duvets and pillows.... A place for everything and everything in its place kind-a-thing. It was the perfect moment since ALL of the laundry had been done, folded, ironed.

It will be delayed by another day because Blackie has been digging up his bed cushion again, resulting in a carpet of stuffing all over the floor in their 'bedroom'.  The sewing machine has made an appearance again. 

We have a leak somewhere under the bathroom washbasin every time we switch on the hot water in the garage. Only cold showers for us till the plumber arrives. 

Somewhere last week I dreamed that we got ourselves micro pigs instead of  'normal' ones. They don't seem to be growing at the rate our previous piggies did. They have managed to escape a few times over the summer, so it was decided that they could do with an extra layer of fencing. The sheep mesh type. This has now also been put into place. Fingers crossed.

The old chooks and the 4 new ones I got for my birthday are doing well back in the more secure coop.

We've had an enjoyable summer with family/relatives visiting. 

I hope they enjoyed it as much as we did, even if the weather wasn't always on our side.

Yes, I need catching up with reading other blogs and writing posts in this one here. In four days time this blog has its 10 th anniversary. 
A lot has happened in that time, that's for sure.

I trust that you've all enjoyed the summer. If not, make the most of every ray of sunshine and soak up those vitamins D.

Patricia xxx...x

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