
Thursday, September 26, 2013

One Vista, Many Moods - Part Two

There you go. That wasn't too long between posts eh ?  Part one of this photo reportage is to be found here .

I will start off with the last picture of part one as I particularly like it. Rainbow, so dramatic.

It might look as if there are no tides here because I take photos more often when it is high tide. Understandably it looks more pretty then. Of course I am not going to withhold you the view at low tide. That would be cheating you. Here it is...

Really not so impressive now, is it ?

And then we have spring tide when almost our whole peninsula disappears under water. According to Bert there is about 3 meters difference between low and high tide. For now, I'll have to take his word for it.
During the spring and summer months there was regular activity on the water with kayaks, dingies, our very own Sneem Rowing Club training....

Dingy- man (aka Bert)


And here's what happens when you come back at low tide.

The motorized kayaks that seem to be a hit with hotel guests - not so much with myself as they are just too noisy and spoil the serenity of this place.

A few locals we see passing by every now and then.  Coming back from fishing or just from a spot of leisurely enjoying the bay and all the beauty it has to offer.

Our lovely neighbour, Richard who's boat we envy very much.

Sneem Rowing Club training.

And this is a boat that belongs to us and isn't going anywhere in a hurry...

It's the end of September and there is hardly any human activity on the water now, so we now can enjoy some of the wildlife that's around.
As late afternoon/evening approaches the light on the landscape changes dramatically.


The perfect closing to this article.  The end of a day, beginning of night. Magical moonlight.

Thank you for visiting.
Patricia xxx...x


  1. Superb! You are so lucky to have such a wonderful place. The full extent of the view from my house is about 100 metres down the road! The Sneem Rowing club boat looks a bit like the Pilot Gigs from Scilly.

  2. Just lovely ... even at low tide!
