
Friday, March 02, 2012

Something for the Weekend - Clementine Cake

I nicked this recipe from the delightful Rachel Kelly at Marmaduke Scarlet .  I say nicked, but that's not what it is, is it ?
Seeing I didn't have Seville oranges I used clementines instead. On Wednesday I went shopping and bought so much fruit (you know, health consciousness kicks in as soon as someone in the household has been gripped by a bout of influenza) ....... Brrr... the clementines were just too tart to eat as they come. Don't let the warm orange colour of their coat fool you !

It's a simple recipe and tasty it is too.

Have a lovely weekend !
Patricia xxx...x


  1. Awwwww! Thanks dah'lin! You've made my weekend!

  2. Ooops, forgot to say it looks delicious!

  3. Tiene una pinta excelente ese pastel

    un saludo

