
Wednesday, March 07, 2012

The Old Tin Box

The old tin box.... is that not where ancient photos where stored ?  Well, except for the odd album, that is where my mum used to keep ours.
So when we popped in at my mum's last Sunday, she had some stacks of photos on the dining room dresser.  Good enough for me to rummage through. 
I came up with this 'fantastic' idea to scan them and put them on the computer.  When we came back home the first thing I did was look for and go through all of the photos I have in my possession. 
Right ! Now I have stacks and stacks of ancient and not so ancient ones sitting on our dining room table.
I have already been busy scanning maybe about 200.  Thousands more to go. What did I start ? Huh?

Here I present to you a few pictures from the old tin box.
Yes, indeed,that is little me. Age 3, or there abouts.

My dad on the right, well before he met my mum.

My mum, very cool and pretty.

Mum and dad.

My maternal grandmother, Mit.

Very cute older cousins.

Another older cousin.  Some photos look downright scary.

My maternal grandmother (2nd top right) with her siblings, my great grandfather and great stepgrandmother.  That's a mouthful (and a house full). Or should that be step great grandmother ?

Well, I am off to scan some more, lock up the chickens for the night and make myself some dinner.

Feel free to comment, I really appreciate it.
Patricia xxx...x

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