La Chatte Gitane (or The Gypsy Cat) was the name we chose for our cottage in France at the time. We chose it while on the road, moving house the first time round, from Ireland to France with 2 dogs and 7 cats in the car.
This blog began its insignificant life as a recipe book for friends and family who would ask me repeatedly for a recipe of this, that and the other.
Since then it has taken many different directions, like we did and like gypsies tend to do. Sometimes making a U-turn and revisiting familiar roads and taking a break when necessary.
You'll find recipes here, but also musings about the places we've called home, the gardens that we've established, not always successfully, the homes we've improved and the environments we've lived in. Currently, after yet another stint in Ireland, we're back in France @ Le Mas d'Ayen

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lemon Curd Recipe For Josée

Grated zest and juice of 6 lemons
400 g white sugar
150 g softened butter
5 eggs, beaten
Heat the lemon zest, juice and sugar gently in a sauce pan. Stir until sugar has dissolved.
Add the butter, while stirring until melted.
Au bain Marie, add the eggs to the lemon mixture, stirring all the time, gently, for about 30 minutes, until the mixture coats the back of a spoon.
Do not boil as the mixture will curdle.
Pour into warm sterilised jars and seal. After cooling keep refigerated.
Geraspte schil & sap van 6 citroenen
400 g kristalsuiker
150 g zachte boter
5 eieren, geklopt
Verhit op een zacht vuurtje het citroensap en schil met de suiker, roer tot de suiker is opgelost.
Voeg de boter erbij en roer tot deze is gesmolten.
Au bain Marie, de eieren bij het citroenmengsel voegen, en zachtjes blijven roeren (ongeveer 30 minuten) tot het mengsel glad is en aan de houten lepel blijft hangen.
Niet laten koken anders gaat de curd schiften.
Giet de curd in gesteriliseerde glazen bokalen. Sluit af en laat afkoelen.
Bewaren in de koelkast.

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