
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Ducky Business

Here we are. Ready for business. 
Adding to our livestock. 

It's a boy ! And 3 girls. 
They are Muscovy ducks.

Cyril, is his name, with his ladies, safely tucked in the pen for the next few days. 

After that, they can make use of their larger enclosure which also contains the pond.
Their wings won't be clipped and they might well end up back at their former home at Maggie & Richard's (our friends and neighbours). At least they will be able to escape predators and that's all that matters in the end.

Patricia xxx...x


  1. Brilliant :-)

    While they are confined, and if you have one, stand their bowl of water in an old tyre, then when they splash in and out of it, it won't tip over. It worked a treat for us when we had the geese.

    That pen and house look very well made.

    1. We don't have a tyre, but we were going to partialy dig it in. The ducks arrived just a tad too soon. ha !
      We've occupied ourselves this morning being concerned about a sheep that was stuck on a rock in the estuary and its rescue.
      Never a dull moment here. :)

  2. Wow, welcome duckies. Your going to like your new home!

    1. It looks like they really appreciate it. They went into their shack for the night all by themselves.

  3. That is so grand. We've had a few ducks and they are adorable. Now we just have the 11 chickens. But, 2 years ago,at the park where i walk, someone dropped off a black and white duck/goose? Very ugly but that's what he must be a Muscovy. I had no idea. he often hangs out alone, but I always check to see if he's still there. so now I know he's a Muscovy.

    1. Hi Christina, thanks for visiting.
      Yes Muscovy ducks are ugly yet beautiful at the same time.

    2. yes, totally. We're very attached to 'our ugly' duck. We check on him daily :)

  4. Them birds they grow to size of turkeys and make a good alternative too plus being very tasty!

    1. The boys are definitely giants. These ducks are not just for Christmas, but their offspring might well be.
      I prefer duck to turkey meat any day and these indeed give a lot of tasty meat.

  5. Very nice and I'm sure they appreciate the sign. ☺ X

    1. I hope they do. I worked very hard on that. ;)
