
Monday, October 24, 2016


I've been hankering for new windows from the day we moved in. Well, earlier. Since the day we put an offer on the house actually.

The new windows arrived last Thursday and would have been installed this week. But that isn't going to happen for another week, at least, as the 4 largest windows were all wrong and had to be taken back by the guys who delivered.
Aaaargh ! 

What's another week or two in the grand scheme of things ?


Patricia xxx...x


  1. At least you have some of them now the wait will soon be over. x

  2. It's always the way isn't it, you wait and wait and wait for something ... and then you have to wait some more ☹

    I hope you get them in soon.

  3. It's disappointing when you get geared up for something and end up having to wait longer. As you say.....soon. X

  4. you will get there in the end! it all takes time. And think how cosy it will make you all
