
Sunday, August 28, 2016

Hilarious !

Well, I think it is funny. But then, I'm easily amused...

Remember we had just the one chick ?

The chick has grown considerably and they have joined the rest of the flock in the 'big house' a while ago.

When the sun sets the chooks go in for the night and perch high up, on the rafters of the hen house, waiting for one of us to come and close up for the night.
And this is what we witness every night.

Mammy's boy or Mammy's girl is not yet clear, but every night the 'little one' nestles itself underneath mother. Sometimes facing the same way, other times like in the picture above.
How long this is going to last for, I don't know.


Patricia xxx...x


  1. I always find it totally cute when a little head peeps out from under Mum and scans the area before vanishing again. It's nice to have young life around isn't it :-)

  2. That is extremely cute x

  3. Another one for the pot, eventually is it ? - cluck' cluck ! :-)

  4. Anonymous5:26 pm

    my husband found 2 wild geese eggs abandoned ( he was working in the field all day and checked nothing came back to them )so we put them under Magpie a little batam cross who would go broody if you put her on eggs. They hatched and grew to full size but would still sleep under her wings unfortunately only their heads fitted! they had the run of the farm and flew away the following spring.

    1. Broody hens are quite amazing in how they'll adopt anything.
      It must have been a sight, 2 geese heads stuck underneath a little bantam. :D
