
Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Babysitting Duties

I really am not so good at babysitting kids, so lucky that Bert and my mother are that much better at it.
They come to me for an ice cream and whatever time of day it is, I say yes. They finish one and they ask for another. Go ahead. Biscuit. Cheese. Salami. Sandwich with chocolate spread. Apple. Another ice cream. Of course.
(*)I need to puke. Sure.

The parents went on a day trip by themselves and left the kids in our very capable hands.
They go and feed the piggies with Bert. Let the chickens out in the morning and lock them up for the night. Play with Lego. Watch King Kong....
To be fair, the weather was atrocious and both Mathias and Sarah have been very good. They have been relaxed.
When there was (almost) no rain Bert and Sarah checked out the swollen stream and cascade.

They are so funny together.

Nothing can beat a good homemade Spaghetti Bolognese and Sarah loves spaghetti. Her most favorite meal in the world !

No way will she have her pasta cut into small pieces. No. Way.

A bit of TV time.

Then it was time for the Oink Oinks and chickens to go to bed and lastly the kids.

Patricia xxx...x

PS  (*) didn't happen. ;-)


  1. O gosh ! This blog post of yours has just reminded me that young Ollie 5 going on 23 (grandson) and his parents are due here on Sunday for ten days, perhaps as you are such an expert we will dispatch him down to you ? - No, I am joking of course it's me who will escape if the going gets tough.... must remember to stock up on lollies etc.

  2. I know how you feel - we have 4 grandchildren now. Most of the time they are lovely, but not always! Ice cream is an important commodity to keep in stock, we find. I'm intrigued by the fact that you felt it necessary for young Sarah to wear a like-jacket. Your rain must have been BAD.

    1. We've had a good belly laugh, Bert and I, because that was granny's idea.
