
Friday, February 19, 2016

Bedroom Makeover - Part 5 (?)

Part 5 and we're still going. If I thought we'd be finishing this 'small' job in two days, then I was wrong!
I've had help from our friend Michael, who helped Bert with moving furniture, who ripped out the carpet, steamed off wallpaper, filled holes and cracks in the walls.
And we both did a fair share of painting.

 Michael giving the bathroom walls and ceiling the first lick of paint

 Colour on some of the walls

 And the vinyl went down yesterday morning. I did a happy dance.

From the bathroom towards dressing (right) and bedroom (left) 

Towards bathroom from dressing area. 

The wall that will be the backdrop for the bed.  And it could do with a straighter edge at the top.

The dividing wall that will have the wallpaper poster. Bert and I will tackle that over the weekend.
Fingers crossed we don't kill each other.

The doors will need another coating of satinwood white paint, also the skirting board in the bathroom.
Then we can start bringing stuff back into the room. Fixing the clothing rails to the walls and placing shelves.
Oh ! And I need to make roman blinds for the windows.

Thank you for your comments on previous posts. I didn't have the time to reply, but I did read  and enjoyed receiving them.

Alla prossima.
Patricia xxx...x


  1. It's looking great. Love the colour walls!

  2. I think the realistic wood vinyl nowadays is so amazing. It really looks great and is so much more affordable!

  3. The Transformation is coming along nicely - it will be a room where idyllic dreams are conjured !

    When my eyes first looked at the title of the blog they read it as
    'Bedroom Makeover Slippers' my eyes do strange things sometimes, do yours ?
