
Saturday, December 19, 2015

Beautiful Evening Sky and Stuck in the Bog

 It's been a while since we've seen anything but gray and wet.

Yup !  My fat stub. 
One of the two cockerels, that are meant for the cull tomorrow, escaped from the chicken run. Trying to go around him at a little distance to guide him back in, I managed to plonk myself right into the boggy soil. Not just with the one booted foot, but with both !
I quickly felt the pressure of the swampy mess, clinging around my feet and legs. Luckily, Bert was near and he tried to guide me out. 
I just wanted to pull my feet out of my wellies and leave the latter behind, to be found by some aliens centuries from now. "No, you can't !" says he. Both of us pulling at my boot. At last my right foot was freed. 
Meanwhile my left one got sucked in some more. After a lot of tugging my foot got freed from its welly and after an extra bit of effort the bog released that one too.
Is there something like pre-karma ? And was I being punished beforehand ?

The bastard cockerel went back in all by himself. 

Oh joy !
Patricia xxx...x


  1. O Joy of joys ! Nothing quite like mud, mud glorious mud for cooling the blood :)

    1. Mud, glorious mud, except when you're stuck.

  2. Nothing like mud and nature, great for the soul. And yes, we must't get stuck! :)
