
Thursday, October 29, 2015


Transforming an armchair or couch with a new (or in this case, old) piece of fabric isn't for everyone. But if like me, you can handle a sewing machine and a staple gun a whole world of opportunities for your home will open up.
Even though this is not my first attempt on tackling reupholstery, I was a bit afraid to get started on this recliner armchair.

I disliked the colour of this one so much and to top it off the cats had scratched the bejayses out of it.
I found a large piece of vintage looking fabric that I bought over 20 years ago and fell out of love with it straight after. Now I thought "What the heck is there to lose? Get on with it"

Here is where Bert's help came in. He took the armrests off and also the leg and foot rests.

I set to work and got so engrossed that I didn't take any photos of the process. Never mind, I have one more armchair to go and I will post the work progress on another post as and when it happens.

Ta - dah !

The violet (yes, violet) velvet for the seat and front of armrests was a small piece of fabric that once belonged to my late mother-in-law. I am so pleased that I don't throw anything away, and certainly not smidgins of fabric.

I left the original fabric in place. It is easier and stronger. The 'new' fabric' is only a moderately thick cotton and it probably won't hold forever with all the house pe(s)ts, but I am extremely pleased with the result.
It has been done since April and it took me only a couple of days of fiddling. The cats have been 'reasonably' good. They try, but they know the'll get a right bollocking when we're around.

Thank's for visiting.
Patricia xxx...x

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