
Monday, September 10, 2012

Celeriac Mash, Quorn Steak and Beetroot Salad - (397 cal) - 5:2

It might not look like a f(e)asty meal to you but it was excellent and easy to prepare, which isn't a bad thing if you've been busy all day.

Quorn steaks were 113 cal/ 100 grs. We had 195 grs, each (yeah, I know !)
Prepare as per instructions on the packet.  There, that was easy, wasn't it ?

Beetroot  37 cal/100grs. 175 grs/each
I used the ones from the garden, but you obviously can buy them vacuum packed, already cooked and peeled.  If you use fresh ones, you will need to wash tem and cook in water on the hob till al dente. Drain and peel - the peel will just slide off.  Slice or chop, as you please.

Celeriac Mash 36 cal/100grs. 250 grs, each
You know the drill. Peel and cut into small cubes ( 1.5 cm)
Cover with cold water, add a stock cube of your choice (I used Kallo organic vegetable) and cook till tender.
Drain, but keep the cooking liquid, you can drink that at a later stage as a soup. Very tasty.
Now add seasoning (salt, black pepper and nutmeg) and mash to your hearts content. Please, don't add butter. You only add butter if you're not dieting.

"Do I not see dressing on the beetroot ? " I hear you ask.
Indeed. I made a dressing with the following ingredients
  • stem ginger, grated 40 grs
  • 1 clove of garlic, grated
  • 1 small onion, very finely chopped 50 grs
  • 1 tsp grainy mustard
  • squeeze of 1/2 lemon or the equivalent in white wine vinegar
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • seasoning
  • a dash of tap water
That is a total of 235 calories, which you naturally only use a tablespoon off. The rest can be stored in a jar in the fridge for a couple of days at least.

The calories in this meal are so 'high' because I decided not to divide up my calorie allowance during the day, but have them all at dinner time.  It gave me the opportunity to also have two nectarines as dessert.

Patricia xxx...x

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