
Friday, July 27, 2012

Hot !

My, my ! Is it hot today ! And muggy ! Still 40° C outside and the sun has disappeared behind a veil of cloud.
So I had to pick all my sweetpeas this morning whilst it was still somewhat cooler.  What a glorious display they make.

Incy wincy spider

Typical of me to start cleaning the house on the hottest and muggiest day of the year, after a long stint of  utter laziness.  Washing the sofa covers, now drying on a stretch of garden fence (don't have a washing line) *blushes*

Please sun, come back from behind the clouds and beat us a couple more hours with your smoldering heat.  I need these covers dry before tonight.

Yesterday I recieved an early birthday pressie from Bert.

It is obvious that he is of the opinion that I need to rest some more (read, be lazy)

Better get back to that cleaning malarkey.

Thanks for visiting.

Patricia xxx...x

eta Bummer ! Without much warning (none actually) big fat drops of heavy rain. :(  Really not funny at all, at all.


  1. We have a little rain at this very moment. I also had my laundry outside but, oh joy, it is completely dry. Now back to ironing (blèh), and pack for our trip to Brittany.

  2. Ah, you've got something exciting to look forward to, whilst ironing. :)
    As abrupt as the rain started it stopped. Not before soaking everything on the fence. I'll leave it a little longer as the sun has come out again.

  3. Never mind the work I want one of those sun loungers that Bert bought,as the song by Nat Cole goes, roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer..
