My, my ! Is it hot today ! And muggy ! Still 40° C outside and the sun has disappeared behind a veil of cloud.
So I had to pick all my sweetpeas this morning whilst it was still somewhat cooler. What a glorious display they make.
Incy wincy spider
Typical of me to start cleaning the house on the hottest and muggiest day of the year, after a long stint of utter laziness. Washing the sofa covers, now drying on a stretch of garden fence (don't have a washing line) *blushes*
Please sun, come back from behind the clouds and beat us a couple more hours with your smoldering heat. I need these covers dry before tonight.
Yesterday I recieved an early birthday pressie from Bert.
It is obvious that he is of the opinion that I need to rest some more (read, be lazy)
Better get back to that cleaning malarkey.
Thanks for visiting.
Patricia xxx...x
eta Bummer ! Without much warning (none actually) big fat drops of heavy rain. :( Really not funny at all, at all.