
Monday, December 05, 2011

Surf and Turf Pasta

This is what I prepare when there's just not an awful lot of food in the house and when I've been struggling to untangle the christmas lights for the best part of the day.... and joy of joys, they then had the audacity to die on me when they where halfway up the tree.

Ingredients for 2
  • 8 prawns, the ones I used where frozen/raw/unpeeledChorizo
  •  salami or other paprika based smoked 1 cm cubed, 150 gr
  • 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • greenish part of 2 leeks (it's what I had left in fridge), sliced in rings.
  • 200 ml cream
  • salt and black pepper
  • olive oil
Linguine or tagliatelle work best, but I only had capellini

  • Heat some olive oil in the cooking vessel, throw in the prawns and sautee till they go pink.  Empty into a bowl (including the cooking juices)
  • Fry off the chorizo and garlic with a little more oil. Scoop out and set aside.
  • In the remainder of the oil, sautee the leeks.
  • Meanwhile peel the prawns and slice them in about 1 cm tick slices.
  • Add cooking juice of prawns to the leeks, add the chorizo and garlic and stir in the cream. Season with salt and black pepper.
  • By this time you should have your pasta on the go.
  • When cooked al dente, drain, stir in the sauce and add the prawns back in.
  • Serve with a sprinkle of paprika powder and grated parmesan.
Santa's Little Helper

Keep decorating !
Patricia xxx...x


  1. In my world, there is not much that doesn't feel better after chorizo! :)
