But things happen and we decided to move back to Belgium after more than 12 years. At some stage Bert will need surgery as the cartilage has all but disappeared from between his neck vertebra es. His mother passed away, just before Christmas, which also made us re-think our future. I have started to miss my family, relatives and old friends too much and I would definitely like to see more of my new nephew, Mathias.
We therefore made the decision just before the New Year to move back home. We bought a little house in a village, called Geetbets. It is about 20 minutes by car to my mother's place, apparently just the right distance.
Since deciding, we have already packed half of our belongings and dumped them on my mum, well not literally, she has a hangar/garage where we were able to store things. Our house here in France is on the market, but we will arrive in Belgium with the rest of our stuff on May, 4th.
So here are a few photos of the new place for you to sample, while I get on with the packing.