
Saturday, March 10, 2007

Aaah ! Potatoes !

The advantage of insomnia is of course that, amongst all the rubbish thoughts, you sometimes have good ideas too. Like the one I had last night. I decided that there is a good spot in the garden to plant potatoes. So this morning, together with Stephen (our first volunteer of this year) I started digging over the patch, which is about 3 x 6 meters.
Although the sky was blue, the Mistral wind was trying to spoil things for us with gusts of 95 km/hr. I suggested to Stephen to stand with his back against the wind so he wouldn't get the sand in his face, with which he agreed was a good idea.
Two hours later and it was all done, ready for us to start forking it over on Monday. We might even get the rotivator out.
Next week I can get some plant potatoes and Bob's your uncle. Our first attempt to growing potatoes !


  1. Anonymous8:39 pm

    Don't suppose you have any good cabbage recipes - the GreatBigvegChallenge is moving on to C for Cabbage.
    Please leave any ideas on our blog if you have time.

  2. Patricia,
    Thanks so much for your words of encouragement, they are very much appreciated. I will endevour to get many recipes online, some of my favourites dishes that I love to cook, others will be experiments based upon ingredients bought and cooked that day.
    I really enjoyed reading your blog and your delicious recipes.
